Thursday, November 05, 2009

The 2009 New York Yankees: The Team of the Decade

For some reason, Mike Francessa is being obstinate by not declaring the Yankees the Team of the Decade, claiming fuzziness re: whether the current decade began in 2000 or 2001.

Looking back on how we all lost our minds on when the new century started, I really don't see where all the confusion came from. If you mention "the 50's," then you mean "the numerical years wherein the number 5 is the third letter from the left." Otherwise, you're leaving one year out that DOES have the 5 and ADDING a year that has a 6. This makes no intuitive sense to me; nobody says "what year were you married in? 1960? Oh, the '50s, eh? Good times!"

We seem to have done this to add some sort of debate to the non-debatable. Fucking silly.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

When I heard Francesa not be sure of when this decade started I was blown away by the stupidity of his premise. Does he actually think 2000 was part of the '90s? Sheesh...