Thursday, November 05, 2009

Eddie, Unfortunately, Lives

I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to live-blog Eddie and the Cruisers II; after viewing it earlier this seems like a more daunting task than creating beer goggles capable of making Maggie Gyllenhaal mildly attractive. Although one good thing is that I would then be capable of committing the perfect crime, as I would have no fingerprints left (anyone who can tell me which Neil Simon play I stole that joke from gets to star for one night as the lead pig in Xmastime's All-Star Pig-Fucking Wild Circus of Ass.)

But I will mention that I seem to have cracked the code on how Eddie runs this new band of his, via about 4 or 5 scenes I've noticed that this is how things are decided:

White Guy in Band: We need to do ________!! We're ready, we need to do __________!!!
Eddie: You don't know what you're talking about!! There's no WAY we're doing ________!  We're not good enough yet for _____!! I decide what this band does, not you!!! I'm freaking out of here forever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black Guy in Band: Eddie, maybe we should do ___________.
Eddie: Okay, we'll do ___________.

Rinse, lather, repeat.

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