Monday, November 30, 2009

Heidi Xmastime

Anyone who reads this blog and knows my "proclivity" for equine-faced ladies would understand why Heidi Fleiss might be in my wheelhouse. I mean, lookit them teef!!

Right now I'm watching some doc about her on HBO, following her efforts to open a brothel for chicks. A "stud farm," if you will.

Obviously the first thought is that you have a better chance of selling vagina chops to the Village People than you do sex to women. But mostly I've noticed that she's made a big deal of placing the brothel in the town of Crystal, Nevada, because it's "a beautiful sounding name." Which means now she has to explain why the place isn't going to be named "Heidi Fleiss' Crystal Balls." Hmm.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Ah, "equine-faced" are a gentleman and a true romantic, X. I would've gone with "death warmed over".

As for the brothel, she won't get business from hot chicks, remotely attractive ones, or anything in between. But any others that haven't gotten laid in years? They're tapping into that 401K as we speak. (Or what's left of it.)