Monday, November 09, 2009

Incredibly, I Was Even Gayer at 21

journal entry

December 27, 1993 
Why does __________ get so fucking riled up about whether or not I eat his goddamned oysters or collard greens? Why? I'll tell you why - cause he's a fucking moron, that's why. Moron. Morons are the people that make a huge deal about you not tasting their precious fucking food. Oh, what, does it hurt their moron feelings? Morons are the people that come into the living room and change the channel to something nobody else wants to watch, and then leave the room. Then the same morons come back in the room half an hour later and want to know why the fucking channel has been changed. Morons. Fucking morons. Let's put them all together and make them their own state. The state of Moron.


Ryan said...

you had to make oysters your example?

Xmastime said...

how it was back then, dude. i gotta keep it real. and you know this.