Friday, December 04, 2009


I've written before HERE  (along with some late Mrs. Xmastime additons!) about what a hard-ass our new high school football coach was my junior year; by about four games into the season all but 17 of us had quit the team (I tried, but of course failed at that as well, as detailed HERE .) To soften this blow and keep up "morale," Coach referred to us as "The Magnificent 11 plus 6," a la those Yul Brynner The Magnificent Seven movies. Which, of course, none of us had heard of.

It turns out that if we 17 got on a bus today and showed up at Glenn Beck's "play" in either NYC or Bston, we would have a level playig field, as that's the number of people who have bought tickets. 

Of course, whether or not we could beat them is up for debate. (I'm voting "no.")


Kiko Jones said...

Question: is $20 actually more than double the average ticket price for a play? Where? 'Cause from what I gather, in NYC you can't even get "nosebleed" theatre tickets at that price.

Xmastime said...

no idea. but $20, a video camera and Xmastime in that crowd would not be a waste of time, methinks ;)

Kiko Jones said...

I'd pay $50 for that!

Xmastime said...

(setting up PayPal for Xmastime)
