Thursday, December 03, 2009

Bottom 10

Probably more interesting than a Beatles Top 10 is a Beatles Bottom 10, which I now give thee. You're welcome. Okay, 9.

Come Together - THE most over-rated Beatles "classic." Gibberish foreshadowing of a lot of Lennon's solo nonsense. Chuck Berry suing to have his name ADDED to the credits is astounding.

Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite - concept: admirable. Song: unlistenable.

The Long and Winding Road - atrocious, shitty F- cousin to Let it Be. Macca's outrage that Spector "ruined" this cut is laughable.

Do You Want to Know a Secret - on here simply cause not only is it stupid, but can lock onto your brain for days, driving you insane.

Glass Onion - don't know why. Has always driven me crazy. Hate it. And only the Ramones can get away with so much self-reference in one song.

Yer Blues - ughh. Shitty, slow blues/metal crap. Unlistenable.

Dizzy Miss Lizzy - okay, but an obvious attempt to update the astounding closer-as-album open Twist and Shout. Kinda lifeless.

Martha My Dear - melodic, easy. But don't tell people it's about your fucking dog, for chrissake.

I Want You (She's So Heavy) - see Yer Blues. A shittier, even more unlistenable Inna-Godda-Davida however the fuck you spell it. Lennon on Abbey Road was atrocious; Belong escapes my wrath here only in it's being mildly interesting.


Kiko Jones said...

Well, the worms are slithering out of the can, eh?

First of all, we are in agreement on "Come Together", "Mr. Kite" and "Dizzy Miss Lizzy"; I don't mind "Glass Onion", "Yer Blues" or "I Want You"--will rarely put 'em on but won't take 'em off either. (The first two work within the context of The White Album, IMO.)

I'm more of a "blue" than "red" Beatles fan, but "Do You Want to Know a Secret" is among my all-time faves; don't care what the inspiration for "Martha" was--great tune, regardless.

As for "The Long and Winding Road": it's a much better tune than the incredibly overrated "Let it Be"--closer to "My Love", actually--and yes, not only did Spector ruin it, but Lennon's bass playing on the track is an indefensible, glaring blemish. Macca can actually be heard laughing at Lennon's gaffes during the song, not thinking for a second this version would see the light of day.

And Paul was not alone in his displeasure: George Martin was appalled by Spector’s over-the-top orchestrations, which were done without McCartney’s consent, even though he was in the studio next door when the work was being done. Why? Smells fishy to me. Understandably, for Macca it stunk up the joint.

The "Winding Road" fiasco is a big reason why Let it Be is the band's worst album and shows, at best, Lennon's cluelessness and/or lack of pride in their work at the time. (George, too.) At worst, it's the beginning of his caustic disregard for his one-time songwriting partner, which continued in his incredibly spotty and hugely overrated solo work.

Sorry for the rant, but this is, obviously, a nagging beef of mine. (Along with the whole 'Paul was the vapid one; Lennon was the visionary messiah' meme that's been going on for 40 years.)

Kiko Jones said...

PS: You meant "Because", right?

Xmastime said...

hahaha! i DID mean Because! good catch :)

ive been fighting that Paul was the vapid one; Lennon was the visionary messiah' idea too. exhausting.

Marley said...

Mr. Kite


Revolution 9

Don't Pass Me By

Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Your Mother Should Know

Fool on a Hill

You Like Me Too Much

Why Don't We Do It in the Road

In Spite of All the Danger

Xmastime said...

agreed on most, but i LOVE dont pass me by and piggies!!! :)

Xmastime said...

and i like in spite of all the danger. tho prolly mostly for its uniqueness/spookiness