Monday, December 14, 2009

Creeping Leftism

Joe Girardi's return to his former managerial style of panicky, burn-through-his-best-relievers-quickly "what the fuck?" bullpen choices in Game 3 of the World Series prompted Bill Madden of the Daily News to coin this process "Creeping La Russa-ism": the constant search for one guy who doesn't have it.

And that's what I think of now with the Democrats and the way they've handled the healthcare bill, what with their endless determination to back down without a fight and strip away as many meaningful parts of the bill as possible. And now that they've been able to strip medicare buy-ins from the bill, they can focus on finally crumpling to the demands of the very few and getting rid of the public option once and for all, which of course kills two bids with one stone since they'd then also be able to cross "make sure private insurance companies still somehow retain an incredibly bafflingly dangerous amount of power and control" off their "to do" lists.

And then, finally, that sweet moment will come when after having waited and waited for that one CBO report to come out that says that healthcare reform will in fact NOT pay for itself and WILL triple the deficit, THEN the Democrats will have their bill finalized. Awesome.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

As I understand it, the public option was taken off the table in favor of the Medicare buy-in. Now, Lieberman won't support that either, so it's gone. What the fuck kinda bill will they vote on, then?

Limbaugh was saying the truth, then: McConnell and co. have NO INTENTION of passing any bill just to weaken it to a point when it's worthless and dies of neglect. Just like the uninsured.

Cheers, spineless Dems: this one's for you!