Monday, December 14, 2009

WTF Eddie?

I flipped to Eddie and Cruisers for the 18000th time, and it's when Word Man comes home from work and his house is trashed. Except it's not a house, it's a dump of a trailer. What? Why would Word Man be living in a falling-apart trailer in the middle of the woods? First of all, he's a high school teacher. Which don't make him rich, but surely could afford for a single dude with no family to have better accomadations than that.

PLUS, their album Tender Years was supposedly a HUGE hit. And Word Man wrote all the lyrics!  And, from the scene where he teaches them the song, we see that he wrote the words AND music for their biggest hit, the #1 single On the Dark Side! Even though, of course, Eddie was the "musical genius."

MEANWHILE, the album has been re-released AND IS AN EVEN BIGGER HIT this time!  And yet apparently Frank doesn't see a penny of that? Really?

I'm going to get to the bottom of this tonight; probably while writing in outraged caps. Hmm.

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