Wednesday, December 02, 2009

McNotlovin' It

Earlier this morning Dependable Renegade pointed out the absurdity of the entire media popping their hamstrings sprinting to ask John McCain his opinion of Obama's Afghan strategy. Cause, you know, when the mainstream media is so left-wing biased, the thing to do is completely fill their airtime up with right-wing politicians. Hmm.

I was going to say something outrageously sexy about this, but I like what Matt Yglesias says here about McCain's not knowing what the fuck he's talking about so fuck it, I'll let him have his moment in the Xmastime sun. an ideal world McCain’s sterling reputation among the Beltway press corps as a go-to commentator would be undermined by the constant stream of evidence that he has no understanding of any policy issues.
Also: ever since my jaw got outta whack I haven't been chewing my fingernails, so now my balls have scratches all over them. You may commence fingerblasting, ladies.

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