Tuesday, December 01, 2009

GOP Test

So Obama is giving the military the troops it wants. Will be fun to watch how the Right will still spin this into "Obama's an appeasing pussy," even as he does exactly what they want.

Of course, they'll likely scream "it should be 30,005!!!!!! How can he do this to the troops!!" Never enough troops, never quickly enough, he's making the troops cry, blah blah fucking blah.

Anyway, will be fun to watch.


Marley said...

Rinse, lather, repeat.

Your T&A quotient has dropped about 95%, and for what - this juvenalia?

Get thee to Facebook so you can tell your friends that "Today, I'm looking for love and feeling groovy" or "Dick Cheney is a grumpus!"

But please. Stop. It's like someone put melded the brain of Erma Bombeck and Molly Ivins and gave them/it a blog.

Xmastime said...

really. am i wrong?

your constant parnoia about my presumably posting the same thing over and over ("rinse lather repeat") is entering Sully/Palin territory. am i watching the downfall of yet another lion? right here on Xmastime?

Xmastime said...

should gone with a clever "if life is a bowl of cheneys, why are we in the shit?" riposte. dammit. will be kicking self all day.

Marley said...

Dick Cheney is a GRUMPUS!

Marley said...

(bowl of cheneys would have been much better)

Xmastime said...

now im grouchy!