Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Same Ol' Shit

I think we can pretty much accept as fact that Dick Cheney is going to be wildly against anything President Obama says or does. And we're all pretty aware of Cheney's tough-guy "kill 'em all, let ME sort 'em out!" idea of foreign policy. So at some point, journalists from the Politico deciding to go "interview" him the night before Obama's speech on Afghanistan is nothing more than Bill Grundy prodding the Sex Pistols into swearing on television, isn't it? I mean, how much more can we pretend to take this seriously as anything other than "poke Grandpa with a stick when he's sleeping, it's funny when he wakes up grouchy!"? For fuck's sake. This is like sending reporters to interview me the night before my record for Girls of the Pac-10 bukakke sessions gets broken. Of course I'm against it. But exactly what part of my irrelevancy do you not get?

12:54pm UPDATE:  Thinkprogress on the absurdity of these "journalists" basically being Cheney's ghost-writing cheerleaders.

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