Thursday, December 10, 2009

NOW They're Starting to Crack Me Up

After mnonths of crying that the healthcare bill is longer than Garfield Eats His Own Balls, now Republicans are whining it's not long enough. Awesome. I mean, at this point, I HOPE they're just doing this shit to be funny, right? How long are we really from them starting to talk like Vinny BArbarino during any debate? "Wha' bill? Where? Who?"

Though sadly, this is why I've been annoyed from Day One that it's been SO watered-down - by the time the game finally winds down, the GOP's tactics would have corkscrewed into such a theater of the absurd that by that time they won't even care about the actual bill itself, as long as they got their performances in for their base constituency to see and applaud. Of course I could never expect the hyper-liberal, big government reform I am personally in favor of, but negotiations COULD'VE gone a little more like the classic sitcom negotiation where the side with power doesn't budge at all, while the lovable character spins and spins and spins in counter-offers until he accepts the first offer, but with an oven mitt thrown in. Aw well.

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