Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Fascinating

I see that Glenn Beck is on Barbara Walters Most Fascinating People f 2009 List. While I greatly admire Beck's ability to get paid gazillions of dollars for spouting out absolute nonsense and am on record on this blog as saying I would do the same thing if the opportunity arose, there is exactly nothing "fascinating" about Glenn Beck. Anyone could pretty much get in front of that chalkboard of his and guess what he's gonna say about any given subject of the day; what comes out of his mouth is about as much of a mystery or as fascinating as wondering what Chatty Cathy's going to say when you pull the string back while trying not to look under that pretty, frilly dress and wonder what fruits of pleasure lie beneath.

But the people that ARE fascinating are Glenn Beck's fans, the people that eat up everything he says and beg for more. I mean, THESE people I'd love to sit down for a few hours and talk to; taking a peep into those minds would be about as fucking frightening  fascinating as you can get. I mean, Beck himself is like the guy that's a complete douchebag, but gets all the women. At some point, it's hard to blame the douchebag, but you really wanna sit down these women and be like "baby...what the fuck is wrong with you?"

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Thankfully, according to recent poll numbers there's 30% less of these "fascinating" people watching Beck.

How did we go from Jeff, to Hansen, to Glenn?