Saturday, December 05, 2009

The Real Fucking World

It's really starting to press on me that I need to make an effort to make my definitive Real World Lists. I realized just now that there's whole seasons of which I saw every episode 100 times, and yet cannot remember who the fuck was who, or where, or fucking whom, or anything. I recognize titties faces, but that's it.

I'm almost serious re: why isn't there some sort of definitive documentary on this series? As goofy as it's become, it WAS a pioneering show, and there must be some value in it somewhere. And I don't mean some stupid fucking MTV one; I mean some 8-hour in-depth joint with Leiv Schrieber narrating. Let's make this happen!

Right now I've gotta work on

1) Top 5 Mrs. Xmastimes from the show (Colie, a lá HERE, still #1? Hmm.)
2) Top 5 Bitches I fucking hate
3) Top 5 Dudes I like, seem like would be cool to hang out with
4) Top 5 Dudes I fucking hate
5) Top 5 Chicks I'd love to bang, but wouldn't buy white bread for
6) Least Surprising Chick who comes into the show with a SERIOUS boyfriend, but wants to be "her own woman," and turns into a raving whore within a week
7) REALLY Least Surprising Chick who comes into the show with a SERIOUS boyfriend, but wants to be "her own woman," and turns into a raving whore within a week
8) Hottest Overall, Chicks-Wise (PROBABLY Vegas vs. Australia, but I gotta do my research on this one, can't go shooting my mouth off like an idiot here.)
9) LEAST Hottest Overall (ie whichever cast Montana was in)
10) Favorite Moment


Anonymous said...

Now you're really talkin out of your ass!

The Gnat said...

MOntana was in Boston - that is about when I stopped watching. That Mississippi lesbian was kinda cute.