Friday, December 04, 2009

Sniffin' Palin Sniffing the Prez

Everybody's making a big deal outta Palin saying it's okay  to demand to see a birth certificate of the president. To me the big deal isn't that as such - if you wanna make it so that someone running for preznit has to produce his bc, fine. Who cares. You hafta produce one to get a driver's license, so producing one to show that you're a citizen of the country you're looking to run doesn't seem outlandish.

But the point is, he has. Repeatedly. And Palin knows this. But she also knows that red meat does not get cold when waved at people who are horribly, horribly determined to be as stupid as possible. These idiots are like the kid in Stand by Me who finally says "yeah...what the hell IS Goofy?" except if he had said it about 2 years later, and after Walt Disney had thawed himself out and explained exactly what Goofy was (dog/Spam/scotch tape) over and over to him, with charts and graphs.

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