Friday, December 04, 2009


    In every one of these fights, conservatives have been on the wrong side of history. Our natural instinct to fight against any radical change in the makeup of society can, and has blinded us to real injustices. The positions some of those we call our own have taken on these issues are quite simply indefensible. Today, hardline conservatives are dug in opposing yet another inevitable development: gay people will one day be able to wed in the eyes of the law. Victories like the one earned by conservatives in New York yesterday do little but delay the inevitable and give Democrats more ammunition to use as evidence that the Republican party is an intolerant, ignorant group of belligerent dinosaurs.
Someone over at the UG  sobered up long enough to point out this article by David Frum. The whole "gay marriage will destroy your marriage!" is basically yet another reverse-victimization tactic the same way I've written ad nauseum about the idea that the only thing worse than being a racist is being CALLED a racist etc etc. But what's amazing is how GOOD the right has been at doing things like this. Look at how long they've held up gay equality in marriage even while the majority of people in the country are either for it or don't really care one way or the other. Taken in and of itself this, much like their efforts at getting away with obstructionism purely for obstructionism's sake in Congress, would be admirable in a way if it weren't so completely soul-sucking as a human and, frankly, embarassaing as an American.

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