Friday, December 04, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

    It wasn't the last time I'd find that there's no better training ground for politics than motherhood. At one point during the general election, motherhood became the focus of a unique line of questioning. In my responses to a series of debate questions on abortion, I remained consistent and sincere, explaining how personal and sensitive the issue is and that good people can disagree. But the debate moderator decided to personalize his hypotheticals with a series of "What if..." questions.
    He asked: "If a woman were, say, raped..." "...I would choose life." "If your daughter were pregnant..." "Again, I would choose life." "If your teenage daughter got pregnant..." "I'd counsel a young parent to choose life...consider adoption," I answered. I calmly repeated my answer to all of his "what-ifs,", then looked pointedly to my right and my left, to one opponent, then the other. Then I returned to the moderator and said, "I'm confident you'll be asking the other candidates these same questions, right?"
    Of course, he didn't."

I realize that at this point it's like picking on the retarded kid in class (ie "being sexy!"), but this bit from Sarah Palin's book via Sully  has been gnawing at me for about 2 days now.

I get what she's doing, she's hoping for a zinger/gotcha! dramatic moment somehow with her "are you gonna ask them" line. All while being wrapped in some sort of "mother hen" quilt. But throughout the entire passage, she uses the word "choose." No matter what, her response was that she'd "choose" life. And she even notes how "personal" and "sensitive" such a decision is. And yet she has made it clear throughout her public life that it's very important to her that such a thing would NOT be decided by a woman such as herself in that particular situation, but rather by mostly old men with whom she will never come into personal contact. Interesting.  I now await Marley's (Kristol Jr? zingah!!) apoplectic response in her defense.

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