Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Speech

On one hand, again, it's refreshing (and sobering) to hear a president say "hey, we're deep in the shit, knuckle the fuck up" as opposed to "heeeey, everything's awesome!  go shopping!! right now!!! seriously, turn the tv off, go shopping!! at the Mall!!!!"

On the other hand, the one thing I remember from my childhood priest (hey, next band name: Childhood Priest) is his saying that a homily should never be longer than 7 minutes. "After that, you lose everybody." I mean, did this thing really need to be 36 minutes?

But, again, thanks for pushing back A Charlie Brown Christmas so that it's closer to December 25!!  :)

1 comment:

Gina said...

and on weapons of mass destruction? (yeah, I forgot about that too). Still looking. Refreshing and sobering!