Tuesday, December 01, 2009

TV Review

The Beatles thing on the History Channel I was blathering about last week.

No Xmas Trees. Completely useless.

My first hint was the fact that it was only an hour. Hmm. An hour to explain the evolution of the Beatles' music? Really?

Nothing new. No new insight to even the remote Beatles fan.

And the thing was fucking 50% made up of simply playing the fucking songs. Wtf? "And then the Beatles made...Sgt. Pepper!!!" Any insight here? No. Just 7 minutes of music from the album. WHICH WE'VE ALL HEARD 1000 TIMES BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do yourself a favor, get the complete Beatles Anthology. Could wrap myself up in it and watch on a loop forever.

Bad History Channel!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was just the dvd stuff from the recent Beatles box set.