Thursday, January 07, 2010

Archie Bunker Has the Answer

About how to stop terrorists from fucking shit up on planes. Awesome.


Anonymous said...

Just as the auto industry was ripe for change in 1903 when Henry Ford set up Ford Motor Company in Detroit, carmakers again seem on the cusp of revolution.[url=]albany mn autos for sale[/url]

Hybrid and pure electric vehicles threaten to overthrow the dynasty of the old internal-combustion engine even as proposed greenhouse-gas legislation would undermine its supremacy. [url=]auto sales olympia[/url]
China, Japan, and South Korea are hard at work creating batteries for the green cars of the future. And so is Michigan.

Having spent more than $700 million in tax incentives since 2006 to attract, retain, and grow battery companies, the state is aiming to become the “advanced battery capital of the world.” There’s wide agreement here on the consequences.

“We’re faced with either finding new markets for those companies or losing them,” says Greg Main of the Michigan Economic Development Corp. “We can’t be a one-horse town any longer [url=]angelos auto sales delaware[/url]
,” said Michael Robinet of auto forecaster CSM Worldwide in Northville, Mich.

But Detroit’s transition to greener automaking is by no means assured. US battery firms are late to the race. Even if their technology wins, there’s no guarantee that Detroit would beat out California or other states vying for supremacy.

Marley said...

Anonymous said...

The American Public Transportation Friendship (APTA) has a solution to the dear expenditure of living: occasion other taxpayers [url=]car insurance quotes uk[/url]

bankroll your lifestyle. Specifically, APTA reports that people can retrieve $9,000 a year away riding available movement a substitute alternatively of driving.

What APTA doesn’t in is that transport appears economical merely because most of the fetch of traversing is paid by non-transit riders. In 2007, subsidies to progression norm 66 cents per rider mile.

To compute the $9,000 annual savings, APTA assumes that people would substitute motion since 15,000 miles of driving each year. At 66 cents per mile, that works out to $10,000 of subsidies to reserve $9,000 in costs. Not only are transition riders making other people subsidize them, they are making other people slack more in subsidies than the previous auto drivers are saving.

Some of APTA’s numbers are a slight suspect. At $9,000 in savings per year, APTA presumes that driving 15,000 miles costs 60 cents a mile. According to the [url=]zurich car insureance[/url]

Dresser of Economic Critique, Americans tired $968 billion buying and operating motor vehicles in 2007, while the Office of Transportation says they drove those vehicles with respect to 2.8 trillion miles .

That works out to about 35 cents per instrument mile. This means someone substituting transit for 15,000 miles of driving would keep single upon $5,250 a year — while making someone else clear $10,000 to support their travel.

APTA overestimated the cost of driving [url=]free free free best car insurance estimate[/url]

because it used the AAA estimate of the regular cost of driving. AAA accept that one buys a crate modern, pays the supreme finance charges, and replaces it as immediately as it is paid off. Obviously, many people shelter money during buying habituated to cars, paying change instead of funds charges, and keeping them longer than five years.

It gets worse. The average machine has 1.6 people in it, so 15,000 miles of driving is at the end of the day 24,000 passenger miles. The subsidies required to support 24,000 fare miles of traversal routine amount to around $16,000 per year. That means APTA’s speculated household is getting as much as $16,000 in subsidies but nest egg only a scrap more than $5,000, an eye to a grate public forfeiture of more than $10,000 per year.

Anonymous said...

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