Friday, January 22, 2010

Can Someone Please

...get Jesse Malin to quit fucking recording cover songs? This guy has somehow built a second career out of sucking the life out of great songs, hasn't he? For fuck's sake, his making Bastards of Young completely lifeless a few years ago might be his magnum opus. Hell, this one is probably the livliest of all the one he's done. And it still B   L   O   W   S. Fucking hell. What goes on in his mind? "Boy, is Do you Remember Rock 'n Roll a great song. Now let's see what happens when I extract the spirit and energy from it!"  This guy is a musical version of those stupid food dehydrator things a decade ago that were so hot for a while until people realized "hmm....this completely sucks."

Do You Remember Rock n Roll Radio - Jesse Malin

the real fucking thing:

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