Tuesday, January 05, 2010


A while back I wrote HERE about the paradox of college tuition skyrocketing in inverse proportion to it's value; I suggested we only let the truly deserving go to college, and let the others set about as part of rebuilding our crumbled infrastructure (partly via stronger unions, thanks to the obvious flow of "brain drain" back in this direction) or taking their would-be tuition and trying their hands at starting their own businesses. All these years later, some writers over at The Atlantic are finally catching up to me, wondering how we can keep college relevant. Interesting.

Brothatime!! doesn't like it when I self-reference myself to point out that someone might agree with a post of mine from the past. Obviously, he doesn't understand that I assume that the second you people flip from here to another website, Will Smith from Men in Black shows up and wipes your memory of everything you've ever read here. Which is odd, since I pretty much remember every single thing I've ever read on blogs that I follow. But I'd also remind Brothatime!! that HE didn't get into Radford AND Longwood University, so he can also go fuck himself.

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