Friday, January 22, 2010

Fathers, Some Old Links from Me (You're Welcome)

TNC has been going on for a coupla days about the shifts in spanking your kids due to both generational and racial differences. I wrote a few years back HERE about my being unable to go to sleep at night without getting at least one beating that day, but all of these beatings came via my mother  (save for the apple pie incident, which finally sent my father into ass-whuppin' frenzy.)

But my father always gave off the IMPRESSION that if he did the beatings, you would die, which was effective enough to keep me out of doing anything REALLY stupid. I can still hear the sound of him snapping his newspaper from all the way across the room, letting me know that if I raised my voice at my mother one more time he was going to get up from his chair and whoop me; at which point his initial fury would be doubled thanks to his having to actually get up from his chair. Looking back, I would've been better off  running TO him and presenting myself for the beating, as opposed to letting him build up steam. Ah well.

Like TNC, in what I think is also a generational thing, my dad never pretended that we were "buddies" either, as I wrote HERE, along with a little snappy dialogue twixt me and Brothatime!! and a link to my report card story as well. I'm sure there were times I hated and resented him, tho rather than anger I seem to remember spending a lot of time dreaming of getting run over by a truck because he had sent me to the corner. But I am always hyper-aware nowadays whenever I see a grown man with his father, and what a different dynamic that becomes and what a mystery to me it is.

Of course, I'll probably be a complete pussy if I ever have a kid, trying to get myself invited to his birthday parties, giving him quarters to call me his "best friend" et al. Hey, I am painfully self-aware of how much utter nonsense I am, sue me.

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