Saturday, January 02, 2010

Great News!

Hey, Fatty's gonna be okay. Thank god. AND he's taken it upon himself to be the poster boy for healthcare:
"The treatment I received here was the best that the world has to offer," he said. "I don't think there's one thing wrong with the American health care system. It is working just fine."
I doubt Fatty got any rumblings from his insurance provider that his chest pains were caused by being fat for a few decades, ie a pre-existing condition, and therein would not be covered. How comforting. Besides confusing healthcare with health coverage as per usual, Fatty reminds us how awesome things are if you make $40M a year; I'm sure he could also tell us how glowingly those individual jet-packs are coming along for everybody. Hey, I'm pretty certain the typical plantation owner in Georgia in 1850 was fond of saying "I don't think there's one thing wrong with the American agrarian labor system. It is working just fine." (Zing?)

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