Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm Calling Bullshit, and Getting a $400 Haircut


Quote For The Day
"I know I’m the people’s senator, but do I have to hang out with them?”- John Edwards, as reported by his flunky Andrew Young.

Okay, I feel like I have to step in and say something here. Yes, Edwards was my boy in the beginning; I'm sure Marley will gladly pop a hammy jumping up to remind you that I had starbursts in my eyes.

But in the new "well it must be true because a third source told some 7-11 clerk in a vacuum in Cleveland while a jet plane flew overhead" way of "reporting" as best exhibited in the absurdly loose Game Change, this "quote" is a BIT too "dead-on," isn't it? It fits a little TOO perfect into trying to find a way to frame Edwards as a faux-populist super-elitist, no? If you were trying to script framing Edwards this way, this would be the line you'd come up with. I mean, this would be like me "reporting" that someone once told me that George Bush said he was super excited to go see "Malcolm the Tenth." Come the fuck on.


rrthur said...

i offer a solution. how about the piece of sh*t is never mentioned in the press again?

Kiko Jones said...

I'm with you on this one, X.