Monday, January 04, 2010

Ironic Buffoonery

People from the Midwest love to stand around and tell you how "midwestern" they are, which we are led to believe means they don't like to bring undue attention to themselves, unless it's to point out how midwestern they are. So I've wondered over the past year (including HERE) about the likelihood of Minnesota re-electing someone who has based her entire political career on sprinting to any tv camera in sight to make as big a fool of herself as possible. Including, of course, her "the US  Census is evil!" platform. A census which, ironically, could kill Bachmann's chances or getting re-elected, as there has been a decrease in population in Minnesota:
It's ironic that a Minnesota member of Congress, Republican Michele Bachmann, went so far last summer to declare her intention to only partially complete her census forms, and to suggest reasons for others not to comply with the census law. If Minnesota loses a congressional seat, Bachmann's populous Sixth District could be carved into pieces. She likely would have to battle another incumbent to hang on to her seat. We've noticed that her anticensus rhetoric has lately ceased. We hope she got wise: Census compliance is not only in Minnesota's best interest, but also her own.

And don't worry, we'll still let her compete in the GOP Batshit Olympics. Hey, she's earned it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.