Sunday, January 31, 2010

Louisa May Alcott

Having never read Little Women and presumably never will, I have no idea why I just watched the Louisa May Alcott joint on American Masters. But it was worth it if only to learn about her somewhat batshit "intellectual" father, the founder of the short-lived and aptly-named Fruitlands (social antidote to my main man Charles Guiteau's Oneida Community?) and whom, frustratingly enough, Louisa outlived by only 2 days.

But in looking at the photo on the right, I must say. Do something with that hair and lose 5 pounds, and I'd hit it.

1 comment:

Gina said...

au contraire Xmasaire...she'd hit YOU!

Speaking of little women, here's someone's daughter, Kaitlyn Maher, now age 5, singing, "Above All". Warning: Christian Material. What a sweet voice.