Friday, January 08, 2010

A Message from Rudy

This insane video of Rudy has been burning up the internet this morning. It's a strange bit of a look into the strange view of people who think government should always be played in a "best-case scenario." I mean, I like the video cause it's so dumb and absurd that I can laugh at it, and chortle both at Rudy's chutzpah, and at the stupidity of people watching who say "right on, Mayor!" And people who think along the opposite lines of what I think like the video cause Rudy is saying exactly what they want to hear, no matter how stupid it is.

All politicians are very capable of lying, nobody doubts that. But when someone goes on national television and shows himself to be COMPLETELY bereft of even pretending to acknowledge what is even remotely true, someone who is SO comfortable just flat-out lying like this, it SHOULD occur to even the staunchest of Bush supporters that "gee, if this guy can say this, who's to say he won't one day lie to screw ME over?"

But they don't. They believe somebody with such a lack of integrity and character will always stay loyal to their side, and that as long as he is saying what they wanna hear, he should be viewed as a very important person, paraded around to any camera that will have him. Incroyable.

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