Sunday, January 31, 2010

Obama Needs to Raise the Roof

James Fallows tries to tell us that Obama's calmness at the Georgetown/Duke game is some sort of studied approach to not pissing off voters from North Carolina. As if Obama is normally some excitable, screaming guy burning off nervous energy. I'm sure Fallows was partly tongue in cheek, but camon.

But that's how I watch games. And that's even if it's my favorite team playing. I don't mind other people going bananas, but I like to keep my cool. Number one, I guess for some reason I think if I get up and shout and scream and clap that, like if I ever get near a dance floor, everyone in the building will suddenly turn to watch me and think I look like an idiot. But mostly, I like to take the advice my high school football coach gave about how to act after you've scored a touchdown: "act like you've been there before." Amended eventually to, of course, "act like you've been there before, even though you haven't. In years. God, you guys are terrible. Please hurry up and graduate."

I fail to see why I should be surprised a 48 year-old man does not jump out of his seat screaming like a schoolgirl any time a 19 year-old kid representing a school he has no affiliation with has made a layup. For fuck's sake.

And don't even get me started re: dudes who shout at the tv during games. Aka "future shut-ins."

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