Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sam & Dave

A coupla years ago my band had a residency at a local bar called The Charleston - home of the $1 slice, the $6 Bud, and the inexplicably biggest light show known to mankind. I should have known I sucked when the owner told me "My wife loves your sound!", she being  1) in front of a pizza oven 19 hours a day 2) 77 years old.

Anyways, for some reason one show came up and the other guys in my band were outta town, or something had come up, I don't remember what, so I got GodIHateYourHayday to jump in, and we played as a 2-piece. It was so bad that people started pretending their cell phones were ringing, and this was 2003, ie before most of them actually had cell phones.

Anyways, this duo was much better.

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