Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Play-Tone Galaxy

I'm not a movie geek, and I know nothing technical about movies other than I still have yet to attempt the 'ol "cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn" gag. But there's something visually I love about the sameness in color, or whatever it is, of Tom Hanks' That Thing You Do! and Apollo 13. I don't know if it's because they were made a year or two apart and that's just how movies looked at that time, or that Hanks used the same crew for both, or that they were both set in the 1960's, I have no idea. But there's seomthing about the way they LOOK that I like; and they also somehow are reflected perfectly by the Play-Tone logo.

Also - I've been watching these flicks since I saw them in the theater in the mid-90s, and it wasn't til yesterday that I realized that two of the Wonders' last names are the same as two of the Apollo 13 astronauts: Haise and Mattingly. Nice touch!  :)

Full disclosure: much as I LOVED the John Adams joint like everybody else, I did find it funny during the series whenever the Play-Tone logo would pop up. Funny. (why aint that shit on OnDemand right now???!!?!?)

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