Sunday, January 31, 2010

Political Savvy

There is a strangeness, to me, to the idea that we should shelve healthcare reform right now because we need to focus on jobs jobs jobs. Of course, it's always good to focus on making sure as many people are employed as possible. Like Kurt Cobain, that's a no-brainer.

But let's say that if the unemployment rate at this moment is 10%. And then magically, tomorrow it was lowered to 5%. That would, of course, be an amazing thing. But let's assume that most of those people newly employed have access through their jobs. How many of these people would therefore be added to the "I got mine, I ain't paying extra for nobody else's!" roster? Therein lowering public clamor for change. I know you get accused of kicking puppies if you say "from calamity comes opportunity," but what's the political savvy for getting shit like this done? Wouldn't it be when the most people possibly need it?

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Your KC joke was hilarious! Do Jon Benet next, please!