Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Real World, DC

Out of the four dudes in the cast, 3 have come shooting out of the gate pining for 3 of the girls in the cast (one looks like he may get some.) What the fuck? I would think one benefit of having MTV cameras following you around would be that chicks would flock to you - either to use your body to get on camera (ie "good enough for me"), or because they're VERY impressed cameras are following you around. Meanwhile, you know who WON'T be impressed cameras are following you around?

Chicks who are being followed around by cameras.

What the fuck, dudes? Use your fucking brains!!!! Why do you think I don't let hot chicks in my band?  Cause I want them to see me sliding across the stage wailing on my ax as the dry ice slowly clears away, my rhinestone nipple girdles fucking flashing in their eyes as things get thrown at me from every angle; NOT curled up in the corner of a room having a panic attack cause I can't think of anything that rhymes with "freckles." For fuck's sake, dudes. Pussy 101 here!!!!!

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