Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The Real World

Within hours of meeting his new roommates and being filmed 24/7, Ty from this season's Real World cast tells the 2nd-hottest bitch his story about being an orphan, how he was abandoned by his mother, and how that's made him feel, like at any moment for the rest of his life he'll be abandoned again, and how all of that feels etc etc etc.

Then we overhear him narrating to the camera, and he says that he's built up walls around himself, and has a hard time opening up to people.

Umm...what? I don't wanna be "old crusty guy,"but that seems pretty fucking "open" to me. I mean, did you shoot JFK; is that what your hiding?

Hey look, it's Mrs. Xmastime DC!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

brendan frazier in drag?