Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Select Few Lines from My 10th Grade Yearbook

I don't know much about you, or the things you do.

I've put up with you for ten years, two more won't kill me.

Try to control your hormones.

I will miss you, mostly your big mouth.

Xmas - known better as "happy hands" - learn to control yourself!!

You're definitely as comedian. We don't sleep well together. But hey, who wants to sleep in bed anyway. [1]

To a real corny guy I have chemistry with. [2]

Have fun lifting this summer, we're gonna kick ass next season. [3]

Watch those nefarious invectives.

You have got to be the biggest dumbass in the sophomore class.

I hope you're successful in the future. [4]

What should I say? You already know what a good-looking, terrific, sexy guy you are. [5]

Football was great with you this year, I'm sure it'll even better next year. [6] Maybe we'll have a winning record. [7] Get a tan [8], get some leaping ability [9], get some speed in those legs [10], get some new brown shoes [11], get laid [12]

[1] a dude wrote this
[2] this too
[3] we didn't
[4] nope
[5] dumped me
[6] it wasn't
[7] we didn't
[8] not biologically possible
[9] nope
[10] nyet
[11] maybe. i dunno. brand new shoes? Really? what am I, a fucking Kennedy?
[12] now this is getting depressing

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