Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, That's That

Now we're gonna hafta sit back and watch the repealing of all the Democrats' progressive policies they've shoved through thanks to their super-majority; be it cap & trade, healthcare reform, raising taxes to control deficits/debt etc. This will be hard to watch. Watching Obama go door to door handing back everybody's guns will be a humbling moment for all liberals; making some lemonade here, maybe we can learn something from all this.


travdaddy said...

the irony of this is just too much. only things that have ever been scripted better are the 2nd quarter of Super Bowl XXII, track listing for Back in Black and Barbara Billingsley's cameo in Airplane.

Xmastime said...

35 points in one quarter. ie, the number of points we scored all year. sigh. ;)