Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sniffy-Wiffy 2.0

I see Bristol Palin will be joining her smoking hot mother tomorrow on Oprah. To talk about, of course, teen pregnancy.

I'm sure that will be about as useful as tits on a bull. If I may quote the one and only Mamalizza: "I ain't taking no more dieting advice from fat people."

SIDE NOTE: This is akin to the all-time best line from the pilot episode of Mr. Belvedere pilot, wasn't it? When the kid comes home and announces the sex-ed teacher is pregnant, and Mr. Belvedere in that oh-so British way smirks "and who says teachers aren't qualified?"

Oh, Mr. Belvedere. The Babe Ruth to Charles in Charge's Mickey Mantle in the eyes of Mannies everywhere. Sigh.

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