Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sarah Palin famously was put to the test of whether or not to abort a baby she knew was to be born with, in her own words, "special needs." So when she writes a lengthy Facebook message about how important "choosing life" is on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and what this march in Washington means for women, even I kinda have to stand back and take her words to heart. Here are a few select lines from her post:
- But we couldn’t get over the stirrings of our conscience or move on from an issue that cuts to the heart of who we are as a nation. Affirming the dignity and worth of every innocent human life and defending the defenseless are fundamental American values.

- These warrior souls come to show their dedication to the weakest among us: those with special needs, women without anyone to turn to, and children without a voice.

- The pro-life movement is pro-women, and it empowers women with the message that we are strong enough and smart enough to be able to pursue education, vocations and avocations while giving life to a child.

- Today, more and more young women agree with these feminist foremothers, for they know in their hearts that the culture of life empowers women by offering them real choices. Unfortunately, rather than portray this positive message, the media often focuses on divisions among Americans on this issue. But this annual rally is not about anger and controversy; it’s about a huge grassroots effort to make our voices heard in support of women and their children.

Of course, then comes the punchline:
- Though I can’t be in Washington tomorrow, my heart is with the marchers.
Well. Of course. After waxing about how important all of this is to women everywhere, I guess nobody came up with $100K for her to make an appearance. Instead, I guess she'll spend tomorrow watching her Oprah episode over some buffalo wings with Todd while other women are out marching in the cold. Sounds about right. Oh, but she's serious about doing heavy lifting as a government official someday? Hmm. Doubt it. Doing tv and "Face-booking" seems a lot easier, thank you very much.

ps - I'll still do you, Sniffsie.

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