Monday, February 15, 2010

Bayh, Bayh Dickhead

Obviously what Evan Bayh means when he bemoans his "frustration with Congress not doing the work of the people" is "now that I've made a name for myself by shoving around my outrageously over-sized power in Congress by peacocking about hot-button items like the deficit/debt and people's individual fiscal concerns, I'll be able to take those very people for about $40k/pop going around the country yammering about these same points over and over." With his power being somewhat lessened thanks to this super-majority stuff going away, Bayh is deciding to cash in.

Unless of course he is hoping to outrun scandal.

"He hates the Senate, hates the left bloggers," a friend and longtime adviser to Bayh said.  
Basically, Evan Bayh is Sarah Palin except he'll actually finish out his term. And now maybe we can get someone in his place who won't have so much trouble deciding if healthcare is going to fuck up his wife who's on the board of one of the biggest insurers in the country   "is the work of the people."


Marley said...

Ruh roh.

Marley said...

(btw - it's a massively dick move; he's sucked up millions, he told his staff Friday but didn't tell reid until today, and the Dems have until the end of the week to get someone on the ballot or they have to use some weird caucus)

Xmastime said...

normally I'd say you're right, but I think in this case it's a genuine effort to do what's best for the American people. Obviously he's figured out a way to better facilitate the ways and means of the Senate than actually being IN the Senate, so I'm really excited about what he's come up with. I mean, if youre so worried about national deficits the first thing you should probably do is stop being a Senator, right? Admirable, really, to give the sacrifice he is right now. I wonder when God will tell him to run for President?

Marley said...

Well, he's another rat, but he's a peculiar one.

Dorgan was going to get walloped in ND, and Dodd is a crook who was going to take it in the chops in CT. If Reid (NV) or Lincoln (AR) jumped, I'd get it too.

But Bayh had avoided a top tier challenger (Rep. Mike Pence) and while former GOP senator Dan Coats is no slouch, Bayh was certainly the favorite.

Something ain't right. You're not supposed to be leakin' oil this bad.

Xmastime said...

its either a sex scandal (the disparity in looks between him and his wife are pseudo-Edwardsian, no?) or WellPoint

Anonymous said...

Back in the day, kinda Milfy.