Tuesday, February 16, 2010

An Email to Marley a Coupla Weeks Ago

2) Another thing the Cosmo Scotty thing reminds us is that at any moment,
we are one moment away from victory/defeat. while it's to be pounded away
re: how long it takes for administrations to get their foothold/be
successful et al (ie the Reagan sucked at this point too comparison), what
if tomorrow Obama showed up on tv having captured Bin Laden?
this daily
talk of "Obama's amazing!" "Obama's destroyed!!" is exhausting. Nobody's
carving Obama on Mt Rushmore, but I doubt he's gonna be looking on
Monster.Com by Easter either.

After what we found today, surely this is scary to Cheney.


Marley said...

I never thought it would be that big a boon for Bush and while it would be sweet to have his head, I remind you of the negatives:


(this Holder chump is nothing but a stain on the Obamamessiah and must be jettisoned)

I think there is no grand slam.

None of which makes me any less thrilled that the #2 for the Taliban has been caught (and now, in joint custody with the Pakistanis, is having his balls connected to electrodes), the Obama administration is walking away from all it Alan Aldaesque terror policies, like the KSM trial in NYC or closing Guantanamo, Biden is declaring Iraq on of the Obama administration's great triumphs, and


Happy days are here again!

Xmastime said...

I might actually call a real, (presumably) live girl and we're talking about this shit? Camon, man! Perspective!!!!!

Marley said...

What? I mean . . . . WHAT? Details.

Xmastime said...


Oh, for chrissake. Do you ONLY read the posts that can make Marley spring out of a jack-in-the-box and stab Obama with vitriol? THERE ARE OTHER SIDES OF ME!!!!!!! (insert Mel Gibson's speech to the cops near end of "Man Without a Face")

Marley said...

I look at the boobies.

Xmastime said...

never the wrong choice :)