Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How To Make It in America (I Was Right)

I posted HERE about this show without having even watched it; just now I watched the pilot episode OnDemand. And I must pat myself on the back here, as I was even more correct than even I would've pictured my brilliance to be.

1) The main characters are WAY too cool, be it somehow knowing doormen throughout clubs in the city despite being nobodies with no money, or cooly dealing with cops, or, even more bizarre, being tough on the docks dealing with mob-ish characters. Hmm.

2) I was dead on re: by the end I liked the token rich douchebag better than the protagonist and his sidekick.

3) The guy somehow being on a first-name basis with the kid on the subway selling M&M's (who even ruins his own cute kid status with his matter-of-fact, TOO clever "I'm selling these for myself, not some Little League bullshit" spiel is cringe-worthy) is the most eye-rolling public transit moment since Sandra Bullock kept calling the bus driver "Sam" in Speed.

Unwatchable. Two thumbs down. Kinda cool to see a coupla streets around my building make a cameo. Mystified how they got Luis Guzman to be in it. Blech.

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