Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Modest Proposal

It's been pointed out for months that one of the biggest reasons healthcare reform has floundered has been opposition by, of all people, senior citizens. As in, the people that already enjoy socialized medicine don't want anyone ELSE to enjoy it, despite either being a part of "The Greatest Generation" that loves to portray itself as selflessly giving themselves to protect America's freedom in The Big One and then quietly building wholesome lives dedicated to making America strong, or their children's generation, who for decades enjoyed some of the greatest social and economic reforms in American history (their generational name "Baby Boomers" of course comes from the fact that many of them were born thanks to their father's GI Bill allowing them to buy a house in, say, Levittown and have a sound beginning be given to them.) But none of these people wants to share the goodness of public healthcare.

I don't know a lot about old people. But one thing I do know is that they like to have their houses heated hot as fuck. Go to anyone's grandma's house, and try to last more than five minutes without drifting off to sleep. You can't do it. The hotter it is, the more they like it. So I would offer up a plan wherein if old people change their minds and get behind healthcare reform en massé, then any changes in their heating bills that come from turning up their heat past 72 degrees is paid for by the government.


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