Monday, February 08, 2010

The Hurt Locker Probably Is Stupid

Just in looking at the ciommercials et al  for it, I've been rolling my eyes re: the absurdity of The Hurt Locker. And then this writer writes what I'e pretty much guessed.
To say that the scenes in this movie were "tactically unrealistic" wouldn't even begin to describe it. I imagine they probably had terribly frustrated military consultants on set. You could tell they tried, but the director was like, "Nah, let's have the three EOD guys split up alone and go chasing bad guys at night through city streets. People will love it!" And the military consultants probably just rolled their eyes.
I don't consider myself to be a writer. But, maybe, I dunno, if you can't take something like an actual war that you are witnessing and paint it as being realistically dramatic, then maybe you shouldn't be writing war movies?

ps - as part of Xmastime's "I'm drunk!!" series, here;s what I wrote before I editedP:
I don't consider myself a writer. But, maybe, I dunno, if you can't take seomtihg liem an actual war and paint it as being realistically dramatic, then maybe you should be writing wear movie?

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