Monday, February 08, 2010

Peyton Place

I'm a big Peyton Manning fan, so I was bummed to watch how he lost last night. But I'm noticing an internet-wide "Peyton is buried!" sentiment today.

If he retired today, some (including myself) would consider him the greatest quarterback ever. He's got Marino's numbers along with a Super Bowl ring and a million comebacks a lá Favre/Elway. Also, I might be biased, but could you pick another Colt out of a lineup? I mean, he loses Marvin Harrison and nobody noticed; he lost maybe the second or third greatest WR ever and immediately steamrolls right back to the Super Bowl. No, the Marvin Harrison/lineup pun was NOT intended. Winning 12 games for 7 years in a row doesn't happen by accident.Also, when John Elway was his age (33) he had gotten his ass kicked in three Super Bowls; now, of course, Elway is somehow synonymous with winning.

So calm down. I doubt the book is closed on Manning.

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