Sunday, February 07, 2010

It's Official

I know that calling someone "stupid" has become the "that immediately discredits you!" moment in bloggahland, but I am officially stating today that if you are a supporter of Sarah Palin, you are fucking stupid.

At least with Bush, people had to settle for and reconcile with proud incompetence and their own willful self-destruction; with Palin, they are clamoring for it.

Luckily for everyone, I'm guessing there are fewer of these people than it would seem from the media crush on her.


Marley said...

"Palin is stupid and if you support her, you're stupid, even stupider than if you supported Bush."


(sound of zipper)



Marley said...

Xmastime said...

ta-DOW!!! droppin' knowledge like it's hot!!!!!!

Xmastime said...

liberals being condescending seems to be in direct proportion to the Republicans all of a sudden becoming thin-skinned ninnies who cry when people say mean things. also, the face of your party is about as condescending as one can imagine in public (but still, of course, cries like a ninny when she hears that two years ago Rahmbo dropped the "r-word.)

did we learn nothing from Sandburg last night? QUIT BEING A PUSSY!!

ka-POW!!!! BLAMMO! in your FACE!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck that smug cow and the half-wit fucktards who believe the shit that comes out of her mouth.

Marley said...

Sandburg? Carl or Ryne?

And I'm a fervent opponent of the new GOP P.C. pussy fest. That said, I do love it when the shit goes bad for you lefties, and you get all Bill Paxon in Aliens.

"Game over, man. It's not us, it's those stupid fucking moron voters who don't know Ed Begley from Mr. Ed. Game over!"

Xmastime said...

Marley, until you actually come out against her, we will take you less than seriously. Until then, we will treat you as the "let's see what she says" crowd..

Marley said...

A few points.

First, I've yet to see compelling evidence that there is a "we" here beyond you and me.

Second, she's not running for anything and I find broad based condemnations (like, "I know that calling someone 'stupid' has become the 'that immediately discredits you!' moment in bloggahland, but I am officially stating today that if you are a supporter of Barack Obama or Joe Biden or Andrew Sullivan or Matt Yglesias or Beaver Brown or Phil Simms, you are fucking stupid. At least with Jeff Rutledge, people had to settle for and reconcile with proud incompetence and their own willful self-destruction; with Simms, they are clamoring for it") gay.

Third, you're still writing, "Yea, but . . . " pieces for John Edwards, who last I heard joined the Manson family (proof positive of your dangerous melding of politics and your own id/ego), so you're not in a position to extract moralistic pledges of opposition to the devils in your mind.

Xmastime said...

ive said nothing to defend Edwards other than my own "Xmastime is crushing on his hair" jokes. but your Jeff Rutledge comment saves your ass (again)

Marley said...

Your Andrew Young post came close to drunk-dialing.

Xmastime said...

hahahaha! "I know youre there!! pick up!!!!!" :)