Sunday, February 07, 2010

She Used Crib Notes?

Dwight Schrute: [unfolds a letter from his jacket and reads from it] I state my regret.
Jim Halpert: You couldn't have memorized that?

I dunno. I'm thinking Photoshop. I mean, this would be a little TOO perfect, right? I mean, two weeks after paradiddling members of the GOP, Obama gets dissed by Palin for using a teleprompter, a zinger she read from the script in front of her, and then she needs hand-written reminders to pre-answered questions in which she merely tosses off rote faux-populist nonsense that I'm pretty sure any normal adult could have memorized without any help? Really? Surely she is not THAT stupid, right?

Of course, none of her supporters will question this, and of course they will be furious at the mainstream media elites who are picking on "their Sarah," with their fancy gotcha photography.

God, I hope she runs for president.

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