Thursday, February 04, 2010

Junior Yearbook II

Yesterday I wrote about the absurd way my junior yearbook trashed my sports seasons from that year HERE.

Just for kicks, I checked out what the yearbook had to say about the soccer team, which The Gnat played on.


Opening lines:
"An autumn breeze lightly draws the locks escaping from a loose ponytail away from her face. As the chilling wind progresses, the defensive layers feel the hairs on the back of their necks begin to rise, barely taking their concentration for a moment."

Are you fucking shitting me?

Anyways, here's me & The Gnat. Me - a cheshire cat with the tiger by the tail in my football jersey looking like I'm about to whoop some ass, The Gnat giggling. Lunch!

ps - that notebook at the bottom was my cherished orange one that I had written the title of every Ramones song on (thankfully, Brain Drain had not be released at that point.)


The Gnat said...

Look - the yearbook sucked for everyone every year. Blame Heidi Smith, the girls and Bobby Dustin who worked on it.

But of course by Junior year, I was already basking in the glory of two District championships with the soccer team. We sucked after that.

Xmastime said...

lost interest. too much tail from fans! ;)