Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Junior Yearbook.

Usually, yearbooks are designed to put a happy face on even the shittiest of sports seasons - football team went 3-7? "Rebuilding - Here We Come Next Year!!!" is an example. Or "Learning Lessons!" You get the idea.  Now here are the one-word headlines for each of the three sports I played my junior year of high school:



WTF????  Why not pass out loaded guns so we'd shoot oursaelves!?!??

Select lines:

"There were no highlights for the varsity baseball team."

"The varsity boy's basketball team set a school record this year as the first team to go an entire season without winning a game."

"Academic requirements were a problem."

"They started off dismally."

"It was a disastrous season."


1 comment:

The Gnat said...

I can't figure if that was Croc or Heidi Smith twisting the dagger in ole Xmas' heart. Maybe Beth Allen.