Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Let's See How My Ol' Gals Are Doing

Margaret and Helen!
People like Sarah used to believe in creationism.  But like a 10-year-old who realizes believing in Santa Clause has run its course, Sarah now believes in intelligent design.  The problem with that concept is you have to be unintelligent to believe it.  This is a woman who thought she was being smart when she pointed out that Barack Obama’s middle name is Hussein.  Life is complicated… mysterious even…. but intelligent?  Hardly.  Intelligent design can’t explain the existence of a mosquito anymore than I can explain the existence of this book or her rise to political fame.

So, Margaret,  I am done with her book.  But I fear that I am not done with Sarah.  Like Harold’s gas, she has a way of sticking around despite how much you want it to go away.  And I mean “it”.  Really.

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