Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oh, Come On

I don't begrudge anyone turning lemons into lemonade, but really, how sorry are we really supposed to feel for Alexandra Penney? Yeah she got riped off, but let's keep some perspective. She went from:

1) Fabulously rich, to
2) better off than 90% of Americans, to
3) cashing in on her bad luck and making even MORE money.

I mean, there's worse tales out there of people being screwed out into the streets, aren't there? Isn't this whole thing at least MILDLY insulting to the 99.9999999% of people on the planet that CAN'T pick up the phone and within 10 minutes having Tina Brown asking her to write about her experience?


Mukluks: Dependable Renegade.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Abso-fuckin-lutely. I had to endure doomsday talk from people who had money coming in and still went out for expensive dinners while I was trying to figure out where the rent money was gonna come from. Until I put a cork in their bullshit, that is.